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Huit organismes artistiques finalistes au 39ᵉ Grand Prix du Conseil des arts de Montréal 7

The eight finalists for the 39th Grand Prix have been announced!

Celebrate the art that transforms and illuminates our lives! Discover the 8 finalists of the 39th Grand Prix du Conseil des arts de Montréal, who brought light to our lives in 2024. See you on April 17, 2025 for a great celebration of the arts! 


Our mission
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Number of organizations and collectives supported in 2023
Number of organizations accessing the two-year operating grant for the first time in 2023, for a total of $56,0000 invested.
3 481 908
The amount paid out to priority clienteles in 2023, i.e. 19.5% of grants awarded.
Number of prizes awarded to promote equity and diversity in 2023, representing 47% of all prizes awarded by the Conseil.
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