Supplier number form

In order to receive a payment (including grants) from the Conseil des arts de Montréal, you must have a supplier number from the city of Montréal. To receive a supplier number, you have to complete the supplier number form (available in French only.) This is a guide to help you complete the city of Montreal supplier number form.

Payment times may vary depending on the internal processing time of Ville de Montréal departments, which are beyond the control of the Conseil des arts de Montréal.

After you have submitted the form, you will receive two emails: (1) an email confirming receipt of your completed form and (2) an email with your supplier number. You may send your supplier number to

Payment times may vary depending on the internal processing time of Ville de Montréal departments, which are beyond the control of the Conseil des arts de Montréal.

Please note that if you have not received any payments from the Conseil des arts de Montréal or the Ville de Montréal, and your account has been inactive for 6 months, you will need to reactivate your account.

Guide to completing the supplier number form

Here are the steps to follow to complete the form :

First part – questionnaire

● Êtes-vous une institution financière ou gouvernementale ? :*
○ Organizations: please indicate if you are a financial or governmental institution
○ Individuals: ‘Non’

● Devez-vous vous inscrire au fichier des fournisseurs de la Ville de Montréal pour une transaction unique, ou afin d’obtenir une cotisation, une subvention, une compensation ou contribution financière ? :*
○ Organizations and Individuals: ‘Oui’

Second part – identification de l’entreprise

● Je veux changer le nom de mon entreprise
○ Leave this blank (this information is only necessary for changing the name of a company that already exists in the supplier records)

● Ancien nom:
○ Leave this blank (this information is only necessary for changing the name of a company that already exists in the supplier records)

● Ancien numéro:
○ Leave this blank (this information is only necessary for changing the name of a company that already exists in the supplier records)

● No de fournisseur
○ Leave this blank and click ‘Je n’ai pas de no fournisseur’ (this information is only necessary for changing the name of a company that already exists in the supplier records)

● Raison sociale
○ Organisme – Indicate the legal type of your organisation
○ Individual – click on ‘je n’ai pas de raison sociale’

● Nom légal complet figurant au REQ et sur vos factures
○ organization – Legal name registered in the ‘Registraire des entreprises’
○ Individual- Your legal name (the name corresponding to your bank account, and not your artistic name).

● Quel est votre domaine d’activité/emploi
○ organization – indicate the field that your business practices in (arts, culture, broadcasting, etc)
○ Individual- indicate the field you practice in (arts, culture, broadcasting, etc)

● Conditions de paiement
○ organization – Net 30
○ Individual- Net 30

● Indiquer votre statut
○ organization – Chose your status from the list indicated
○ Individual- Choose Travailleur autonome / Entreprise individuelle (Self-employed / Sole proprietorship) or Autre (Other)

● Je m’inscris pour obtenir une subvention
○ Click this option if you are requesting a supplier number in order to receive a grant that was awarded to you by the Conseil des arts de Montréal, if not (committee members, etc.), please do not check this option

● Êtes-vous une entreprise d’économie sociale
○ organization – indicate if you are a social enterprise
○ Individual- ‘Non’

● Votre organisation est-elle accréditée par Emploi-Québec ou Services- Québec en tant que membre de : CEIQ, CQEA, Buy Social Canada
○ organization – indicate which organizations you are accredited by
○ Individual- ‘Non’

● Est-ce que votre organisation est détenue et/ou contrôlée majoritairement (soit plus de 50%) par des personnes appartenant à l’une ou plusieurs des catégories suivantes
○ This question asks if your organization is controlled by individuals that belong to certain categories. You can indicate if this is the case or if you prefer not to respond indicate: ‘préfère ne pas répondre’

● Trois questions concernant les Organizations (objectifs en matiere de developpement durable, politique d’approvisionnement responsable, certification ISO)
○ organization – There are three questions asking if your company has sustainable development objectives, a responsible procurement policy, and if you meet a number of ISO standards.
○ Individual- ‘Non’

● Numéro d’entreprise du Québec (NEQ) ou autre.
○ Fill out this section if you are an organization or individual who has a Quebec business number (or other business number from a different region)

● TPS et TVQ
○ Organizations and individuals: Please indicate your sales taxes numbers if you have them (TPS=GST, TVQ=QST)

○ Organizations – leave blank
○ Individual- please complete this field, it is obligatory

● Adresses électroniques
○ Please indicate your email address in the ‘courriel’ field

● Nombre total d’employés (total number of employees)
○ organization – reply to the question
○ Individual- 0 (please enter 0 field cannot be left empty)

● Nombre d’employés sur le territoire de Montréal (number of employees in Montréal)
○ organization – reply to the question
○ Individual- 0 (please enter 0 field cannot be left empty)

● Est-ce que votre organisme est détenue par des résidents canadiens domiciliés au
Québec? (Is your organization owned by Canadian residents living in Quebec)
○ organization – reply to the question
○ Individual- ‘Non’

● Votre organisation opère-t-elle l’une ou plusieurs des activités suivantes au Québec (Does your organization operate in the following activities in Quebec – see various items)
○ organization – reply to the question
○ Individual- ‘Non’

Third part – coordonnées de l’entreprise

Please complete this section. It asks for: Address, country, Province or state, City, Postal code, Telephone number, Last name of main contact, First name of main contact, Function (you can list artist), phone number of main contact, and cell phone number of main contact. If you are individual, the contact, information will be the same for the ‘adresse principale’ and ‘contact principal’

Fourth part – types de biens et services offerts

There is a section to complete if you are an organisation to indicate the types of good and services you offer

Fifth part – signature

Fill in your last name, first name, function (artist will suffice), Phone number (poste=extension)

Direct deposit

Upon receipt of the supplier number, please complete the Electronic Payment Registration Request (available in French only). Please forward this form to The Conseil will the be able to make subsequent payments by direct deposit.

If you have questions, please communicate with:

Fichier Fourniss­eurs