Our Publicati­ons

Understanding each other

Our glossary explains the meaning and scope of the terms used in our programs, along with other key topics.


Publications. Highlights. The Focus informs you about the latest news from the Conseil, discover them!

Nos publications 31

The 2023 annual report is out!

In 2023, the CAM team and its volunteer evaluation committees accomplished an impressive quantity of work in pursuit of our organization’s mission: to ensure Montréal’s artistic vitality. This report describes the initiatives that made the biggest mark on the Conseil and had a meaningful impact on the community. 

Studies and memoirs

Nos publications 21
Racisme et discrimination systémiques dans les arts | Analyses et réflexions sur le parcours du Conseil des arts de Montréal

In French Only

Nos publications 11
De la précarité à la dignité : nouveaux regards pour améliorer le statut de l’artiste

In French Only

Nos publications 12
Rethinking cultural philanthropy in Montréal - relationships and community
Nos publications 13
Les arts au coeur des citoyen-ne-s : sondage auprès des résidents de l'île de Montréal

In French Only

Nos publications 14
Pratiques professionnelles en arts visuels issues de l'autochtonie et de la diversité à Montréal

In French Only

Nos publications 15
Mémoire sur le projet de politique de développement culturel 2017‐ 2022 de la Ville de Montréal

In French Only

Nos publications 16
Mémoire sur le projet de renouvellement de la politique culturelle du Québec

In French Only

Nos publications 17
Mémoire déposé auprès du Secrétariat à la jeunesse en vue de la nouvelle politique jeunesse

In French Only

Nos publications 18
Étude sur la diversité des pratiques professionnelles de la danse à Montréal

In French Only

Strategic Plans

Nos publications 25
Strategic Plan 2022-2025
Nos publications 20
Strategic Plan 2018-2020
Nos publications 19
Strategic Plan 2013-2016

Guides and tools

Nos publications 32
Civility and Anti-Harassment Policy

In French Only


June 27th, 2024

Publications 4
Equity Policy

A document which supports the principles of equity so dear to our organization, and which are reflected in all its activities.


21 septembre 2023

Nos publications 28
Guide de rédaction inclusive du Conseil des arts de Montréal

22 mars 2023

Nos publications 27
Cultural Real Estate Project Support Program: Second Edition

The results of the second edition of the Cultural Real Estate Project Support Program are available! This program supports artists, collectives and cultural organizations in the development and sustainability of their creative spaces by providing professional support from four groups of technical resources.

Nos publications 23
États des lieux sur la philanthropie culturelle 2022

In French only

This report was written by Jules Bonnet with the advice of André Courchesne, associate professor at HEC Montréal. This report was produced as part of the symposium on cultural philanthropy held on December 2, 2022, organized by Culture Montréal, in collaboration with the Orchestre Métropolitain and the Carmelle and Rémi-Marcoux Chair of Arts at HEC Montréal, with the support of the Conseil.

Publications 2
Financer un projet immobilier culturel - guide à l’intention de la communauté artistique montréalaise

In French only

Accessibilité 3
Recommendations and tools for the Conseil des arts de Montréal

In November 2021, the Conseil launched several tools and guides to share best practices for collaborating with artists who are D/deaf and/or living with a disability. Developed with our consultant, these relevant, practical resources are intended for both the arts community and the Conseil itself.

Accessibilité 8
Resource Bank

In November 2021, the Conseil launched several tools and guides to share best practices for collaborating with artists who are D/deaf and/or living with a disability. Developed with our consultant, these relevant, practical resources are intended for both the arts community and the Conseil itself.

Publications 1
Guide for events

In November 2021, the Conseil launched several tools and guides to share best practices for collaborating with artists who are D/deaf and/or living with a disability. Developed with our consultant, these relevant, practical resources are intended for both the arts community and the Conseil itself.

Accessibilité 7
Visual Timeline

In November 2021, the Conseil launched several tools and guides to share best practices for collaborating with artists who are D/deaf and/or living with a disability. Developed with our consultant, these relevant, practical resources are intended for both the arts community and the Conseil itself.

Nos publications 5
Introduction to the implementation of a collective real estate project of artists’ studios
Nos publications 4
Les baux et les arts - guide

In French Only

Nos publications 7
Civility and Anti-Harassment Policy - Guide