Our Publicati­ons

Understanding each other

Our glossary explains the meaning and scope of the terms used in our programs, along with other key topics.

Nos publications 31

The 2023 annual report is out!

In 2023, the CAM team and its volunteer evaluation committees accomplished an impressive quantity of work in pursuit of our organization’s mission: to ensure Montréal’s artistic vitality. This report describes the initiatives that made the biggest mark on the Conseil and had a meaningful impact on the community. 


Publications. Highlights. The Focus informs you about the latest news from the Conseil, discover them!

Studies and memoirs

Strategic Plans

Nos publications 25
Strategic Plan 2022-2025
Strategic Plans from previous periods

Guides and tools

Nos publications 33
Socio-Ecological Transition: Commitment and Policy

In French only


November 27th, 2024

Nos publications 32
Civility and Anti-Harassment Policy

In French Only


June 27th, 2024

Publications 4
Equity Policy

A document which supports the principles of equity so dear to our organization, and which are reflected in all its activities.


21 septembre 2023

Nos publications 28
Guide de rédaction inclusive du Conseil des arts de Montréal

22 mars 2023