Unveiling of the artistic projects to be presented in four Montreal boroughs


February 2 2021


Recipient / Diffusion



The Conseil des arts de Montréal and the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, in cooperation with Culture Montréal, are pleased to announce the winners of the second edition of the Project Support for the Boroughs and Municipalities of the Island of Montréal program.

Each recipient will receive $25,000 in funding to carry out its project, along with technical support and assistance provided this year by the boroughs of Ahuntsic-Cartierville, LaSalle, Saint-Léonard and Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension.

This year’s winners

Art Extension collective
Borough of Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension

Taking its cues from the urban landscape, Les antennes de Parc-Extension will transform some of the old, abandoned satellite dishes adorning borough buildings into vibrant paintings. The project will also forge closer ties with the public by means of an interactive map providing opportunities to learn more about the artists’ approach and discover works inspired by the borough’s history, cultural diversity and artistic vitality.

Jessica Brouder and Jeanette Johns collective
Borough of LaSalle

With Living Ground Cover / Couvre-sol vivant, Jessica Brouder and Jeanette Johns will create a collaborative visual work that is a natural reflection of the neighbourhood ecosystem. Their creation will take the form a larger-than-life carpet with a colour palette drawn from plants picked in LaSalle and put down permanent roots in one of the borough’s public areas. Their creative process will also be captured in an art book to be distributed in the community.

Compagnie Théâtre Créole
Borough of Saint-Léonard

With En attendant Godot, Compagnie Théâtre Créole brings audiences a new reading of Samuel Beckett’s work infused with voodoo beliefs and rituals. Through this foray into the folkloric Caribbean and African mythology, director Ralph Civil creates a space for discovery and dialogue that is also a place of research into the cultural similarities that connect all Saint-Léonard residents and bring them closer together, whatever their country of origin.

Théâtre des Petites Âmes
Borough of Ahuntsic-Cartierville

As a way to meet and connect with borough families in intimate micro-venues, the Théâtre des Petites Âmes brings us La bécane à histoires, a travelling puppet show. The project is spearheaded by artistic and general director Isabelle Payant, who is also a puppeteer, and composer-musician René Orea. Together, they will stroll through the neighbourhood’s alleys and backstreets at dusk, staging a story to inspire beautiful dreams … or not!

About the program
The Project Support for the Boroughs and Municipalities of the Island of Montréal program is an initiative of the Entente de partenariat territorial en lien avec la collectivité du territoire de l’île de Montréal. It supports local initiatives that stimulate cultural vitality in targeted boroughs and municipalities while expanding audiences and building audience loyalty.

Learn more

Dévoilement des projets artistiques qui se réaliseront dans quatre arrondissements de l’île de Montréal
Dévoilement des projets artistiques qui se réaliseront dans quatre arrondissements de l’île de Montréal 3
Dévoilement des projets artistiques qui se réaliseront dans quatre arrondissements de l’île de Montréal 1
Dévoilement des projets artistiques qui se réaliseront dans quatre arrondissements de l’île de Montréal 2