Transversal: creating with technology at Zú


March 22 2023


Recipient / Diffusion



Transversal créé par la technologie avec Zù

Zú and the Conseil des arts de Montréal are pleased to unite to strengthen bonds among artists and cultural industries. For this residency, the technological expertise and resources Zù can provide will help Transversal, a creative studio, explore the many facets of digital art.


Transversal is a creative studio and non-profit organization founded by Hamie Robitaille and Ganesh Baron Aloir. Its mission is to transcend borders between digital arts and creative industries, and between art, technology, and science.

Creating conceptual, transdisciplinary experiences to address contemporary issues through design, Transversal applies an integrated vision of technology and prioritizes the human in its reflections on complex subjects.

Meta Visions: multiple realities

In the context of the discourse on hyper-self-representation and distortion, Meta Visions dramatizes creativity, technology, and the creation of self in the technological universe.  This exploratory work will use 360-degree volumetric video of bodily movements for infinite modulation in real time with motion capture, creating an XR performance and forming new interconnections among various technologies at Zú.

About the Zú residency

This research-creation residency is available for the first time this year. It aims to support the development of new and ongoing entrepreneurial projects. As a creative hub, Zú supports creative entrepreneurs in the technological field. It aims to revolutionize the entertainment world with innovative projects.

The project selected for the residency must integrate one of the technological tools available at Zú: 5G, VR/AR/XR, volumetric video, motion capture, projections, and sound and video production.

Selected artists receive a creative scholarship of up to $10,000, assistance from Zú, and access to a bank of hours (up to 20 hours) for legal, accounting, tax, or IT expertise.