Recipients blur the boundaries of their disciplines


March 29 2022


Recipient / Diffusion



Des lauréats qui s'affranchissent des frontières disciplinaires 5
Des lauréats qui s'affranchissent des frontières disciplinaires 7
Des lauréats qui s'affranchissent des frontières disciplinaires 6

The recipients of the Creation and production residencies in non-disciplinary artistic practices have been decided! The collective comprising Marilyn Daoust and Gabriel Léger-Savard have won the performance space component at the La Chapelle Scènes Contemporaines while the collective consisting of Stéphanie Castonguay and Sonya Stefan are the recipients of the In Situ residency.

In addition to a $15,000 creation grant, the collectives will receive support from the Regroupement de pairs des arts indépendants de recherche et d’expérimentation (REPAIRE) and enjoy access to creation and rehearsal studios.

The residencies offer the ideal opportunity to pursue a research or creation project under optimal financial and technical conditions to encourage the emergence of works that seek to blur disciplinary boundaries.

Congratulations to the winning collectives

The collective comprising Marilyn Daoust and Gabriel Léger-Savard presents L du Déluge, a stunning polyphonic and polymorphic creation crossing over between theatre and dance. The play tells the story of a young woman’s heartbreak and subsequent journey to rebuild her identity, freeing herself from an all-consuming mythological world. 

Produced in partnership with the Biosphere, the QUALIA project from the collective comprising Stéphanie Castonguay and Sonya Stefan features an audiovisual installation that blends art and science, drawing inspiration from technological processes to make the invisible visible while questioning our relationship with nature. 

About the residencies

Offered in collaboration by the Conseil, REPAIRE and La Chapelle Scènes Contemporaines, the Creation and production residencies in non-disciplinary artistic practices program offers an organization or collective of artists the opportunity to pursue the creation of an interdisciplinary work and produce it. For the first time in 2022, an In Situ component was added to the program to support a project carried out in a space not dedicated to the arts.