Panel on cultural real estate financing


May 5 2022


The Conseil


Events / News

Panel sur le financement des projets immobiliers culturels 1

The event is now complete, thank you for your interest! If you would like to receive the practical guide or any other relevant information about the financing of cultural real estate projects, please subscribe to our newsletter by clicking here and selecting the option « Practical information on the financing of cultural real estate projects ».


Would you like to set up a creation, practice, or artists’ studio, or even administrative offices? You are cordially invited to a panel convened by the Conseil des arts de Montréal on mapping available funding for cultural real estate on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at noon at the Atrium of the Maison du Conseil at 1210 Rue Sherbrooke Est, Montréal.

Moderated by Cultural Planning Consultant Mélanie Courtois and featuring the Montréal executive committee representative in charge of culture and heritage, Ericka Alneus, this event is an opportunity to learn about a range of experiences, pitfalls and possibilities, including funding options. A networking session is planned to launch the dialogue between attendees and panellists.

There will also be a how-to guide with leads, information and various funding tips.

A vegetarian lunch box will be provided for attendees.

Event Schedule
  • Opening of doors: 11:30 AM
  • Words of welcome from the Conseil and the City of Montreal: 12 pm
  • Presentation of the guide: 12 : 10 PM
  • Panel Start: 12:20 PM
  • End of panel and questions: 12:50 PM
  • Networking session: 1:10 p.m.

The panel

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Seven women form Coop MADAAM, a group of designers, artisans and artists fighting for affordable workspace for Montréal artists and artisans. It is currently acquiring a building in Plateau-Mont-Royal.
Seven women form Coop MADAAM, a group of designers, artisans and artists fighting for affordable workspace for Montréal artists and artisans. It is currently acquiring a building in Plateau-Mont-Royal.
Drawing on her experience with L’imagier, an exhibition centre in Gatineau, Marianne Breton is developing a real estate sustainability project for OBORO, an artist-run centre for visual and media arts, performing arts, new technologies and emerging practices.
The Conseil has been working with the City of Montréal since January 2020 on an action plan for artists’ studios, with guides, videos and a pilot project to help artists, collectives and cultural organizations develop and sustain creative spaces. This initiative is intended for all artistic disciplines and craft arts.
Madly Fuss, membre fondatrice, Coop MADAAM
Panel sur le financement des projets immobiliers culturels 9
Panel sur le financement des projets immobiliers culturels 3
Julien Valmary, directeur du soutien et des initiatives stratégiques, Conseil des arts de Montréal
Madly Fuss, Coop MADAAMCharles Grenier, Atelier habitation Montréal Marianne Breton, OBOROJulien Valmary, Conseil des arts de Montréal