On February 1, the Conseil des arts de Montréal submitted a brief entitled De la précarité à la dignité : nouveaux regards pour améliorer le statut de l’artiste [From insecurity to dignity: New perspectives on enhancing artist status] as part of the public consultations on revising legislation on artist status.
As a funding agency and central player in Montreal’s cultural ecosystem, the CAM presented the brief in an act of solidarity with artists. Thanks to its close, privileged relationship with artists and cultural organizations and workers, the Conseil is a firsthand witness to the devastation caused by the pandemic and certain systemic and structural problems observed in recent years.
The insecurity that artists are currently experiencing has led to heavy social, economic and professional losses and significant losses of identity, the effects of which will be felt for years to come. For that reason, the Conseil believes that a solid foundation must be laid so that artists can enjoy decent living conditions.
Overview of the Situation and Promising Avenues
The brief provides an overview of the socioeconomic insecurity facing artists and confirms recent observations by various professional associations. It also describes in detail the decidedly innovative programs, policies and initiatives that have been developed around the world with the explicit or implicit aim of enhancing artist status. The CAM’s goal is to put forward various avenues that have been developed around the globe in order to provide policy makers with a wide range of sources of inspiration.
Today more than ever, creators, performers and cultural workers need Québec to stand by its historic commitment to support culture and the arts by granting them a status that enables them to improve their socioeconomic condition and gain access to a social safety net. The Conseil hopes that this will allow Québec to maintain its claim to be a world leader in matters of artist status.
Read the brief (in French only)