297 Organizations Receive Operating Grants and $44 million is Invested in Montréal’s Artistic Vitality


July 4 2024


The Conseil



Further to the call for applications issued on January 11, 2024, the Conseil des arts de Montréal wishes to announce that 297 arts organizations will receive funding under the four-year operating grants program, for an annual amount of $11 M.

The Conseil is making this financial commitment representing a cumulative of $44 million for fiscal years 2024, 2025, 2026 and 2027. The grants awarded are determined on the basis of its total budget, 91% of which comes from the nearly $22 million in annual funding provided by the Agglomeration of Montreal.

“The Conseil des arts de Montréal would like to thank all the arts organizations that applied for funding and to acknowledge theoutstanding quality of the applications received. Despite the difficult times we are experiencing, we can affirm that Montreal’s creators possess bold and transformative visions for enriching our city’s cultural vibrancy. The Conseil is proud to help make those visions a reality, within the limits of its financial capacity. We would also like to thank the committee members, artists and cultural workers who evaluated the applications received so rigorously and ethically.”

– Nathalie Maillé, Executive Director 

Program results

In accordance with current evaluation processes, the applications were reviewed by the committees made up of 95 artists and cultural workers who work in the same discipline, tradition or artistic practice as the applicant organizations and who understand the realities that they face.

Snapshot of grants awarded

  • Number of accepted organizations: 297
  • Number of applicant organizations: 355
  • Acceptance rate: 84%
  • Total amount of grants awarded: $11 055 500
  • Amount of grants recommended by the committees, but not awarded due to CAM’s financial capacity: $5 809 747
  • Ratio of the total value of awarded grants to recommended grants: 64%
  • Initial total amount of applications for financial assistance prior to review: $18 158 607

It’s worth noting that, although they were not selected to receive four-year operating grants, 3 organizations were awarded assistance under the General Funding Program as a result of the evaluation. 

If admissible, unsuccessful organizations will have an opportunity to apply for support under the General Funding Program. The call for applications is currently open until August 28, 2024. Another call for applications for the program will be issued on October 3, 2024.  

List of Subsidized-Organisations

In French Only

X organismes soutenus au fonctionnement 1
Consolidation and easing of conditions

The Conseil wishes to reiterate its confidence in the organizations accepted and take this opportunity to announce measures designed to strengthen Montréal’s creative community and ease the reporting duties of organizations receiving funding.

Four-year funding cycle

To provide arts organizations receiving operating grants with greater stability and predictability, all organizations will henceforth receive funding for a four-year term.

Minimum funding threshold

In keeping with the CAMs mission to identify and ensure funding for new clienteles, a minimum funding threshold of $15,000 has been set for 91% of the organizations. This measure will ensure greater basic support is available to 35 organizations. In rare circumstances, the minimum subsidy has been set at $10,000.

Annual financial statements

Submitting financial statements has been streamlined for all organizations receiving an annual grant of less than $50,000. This measure affects 253 organizations, representing 85% of all the supported organizations.

Final reports

The final activity reports to be submitted each year will be greatly simplified for all organizations.


The total budget available to the Conseil for operating grants awarded in this evaluation cycle was $11 055 500. This budget was increased by 2% following the 2% indexation of Montréal’s contribution to the Conseil’s 2024 budget, and accounts for 56% of the total amount invested by the Conseil in its various support programs.

Although the Agglomeration of Montréal has announced a freeze on its financial contribution to the Conseil for 2025 and the amounts of future contributions for 2026 and 2027 are not yet known, the Conseil intends to respect the financial commitments announced today for the next four years, subject to its financial capacity.

Any significant increase in the Agglomeration of Montréal’s contribution to the Conseil’s budget over the next few years may enable it to increase the amount of certain grants to arts organizations announced today. In that event, the CAM will decide on possible increases based on the results of the peer jury evaluations.

Two-year operating grants coming to an end

To facilitate the work of arts organizations, the operating grant schedule has been harmonized with that of the Mission Support program of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ). Prior to this January 2024 call for applications, the four-year operating grant program was last opened in 2017.

In spring 2023, the CAM accepted 46 new organizations into the biennial operating grant program with the aim of providing predictable support to more organizations, representing $560 000. These organizations will be invited to apply to join the current four-year funding cycle in fall 2024 in a separate call for applications. Ultimately, all arts organizations receiving operating grants will be operating on a four-year cycle.

About the four-year operating grant program

This program supports artistic research, creation, production and dissemination as well as activities and services that improve artists’ working conditions by providing stable and comprehensive assistance. This recurring four-year funding enables arts organizations to fulfil their mandate.

Contact us

The Conseil team is here to answer your questions. Don’t hesitate to make an appointment by telephone with the cultural advisor assigned to your artistic discipline. Response times may vary due to the summer season and number of requests received. Please note that the members of the Conseil’s evaluation committees and Board of Directors are not authorized to comment on specific applications.