Environmentally responsible production, dissemination, promotion and consolidation or resource-pooling

A financial support program for organizations shifting towards an environmentally responsible transition.

Environmentally responsible production, dissemination, promotion and consolidation or resource-pooling

Any questions?

Attend our information session on February 27, from 2 to 3 pm.


Given their shared desire to support artistic creation and its dissemination in connection with the community, the Conseil des arts de Montréal and the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec have signed an agreement to support projects that formally involve partnership initiatives on Île de Montréal. The purpose of this agreement is to implement the Production, Dissemination, Promotion and Consolidation Support and resource-pooling component.

Projects submitted must focus on environmental responsibility and/or resource-pooling  and involve partnership initiatives. They must meet at least one of the general objectives and one of the specific objectives.

In 2025, the investment allocated to this program was increased thanks to a major donation from Power Corporation of Canada, which is committed to supporting the program for the duration of the agreement.

Who is eligible to apply?

Non-profit professional arts organizations headquartered in Montréal that work in one or more of the following fields: circus arts, multidisciplinary arts, digital arts, visual arts, cinema and video, storytelling, dance, literature, arts, music, architectural research and theatre are eligible.

These organizations call upon professional artists, designers or stakeholders recognized in their artistic discipline. They are administered by qualified and experienced staff.

To be eligible, the applicant organization must meet the general eligibility conditions and rules of this program.

What are the program objectives?

General objectives

Projects submitted must meet one or more of the following general objectives:

  • encourage professional arts organizations to adopt environmentally responsible practices
  • encourage professional arts organizations to engage with their communities to raise awareness of environmental and social issues
  • stimulate artistic and literary creation and contribute to the artistic development, growth and dissemination of artists and writers throughout Île de Montréal
  • encourage structuring professional arts organizations to develop and promote the arts and letters in their territory and abroad

Specific objectives

Projects must also meet one of the following specific objectives:

  • support environmentally responsible creation, production, promotion and/or dissemination projects
  • support a consolidation project enabling organizational adaptation and transition towards environmentally responsible practices or providing the community with shared tools, resources or knowledge that promote decarbonization in the cultural sector
  • support mutualization initiatives aimed at pooling the resources and services of at least two professional arts organizations


Terms and Conditions

To be eligible, the applicant organization must be headquartered on Île de Montréal. For more details on the definitions of eligible profiles and disciplines, as well as the various eligibility rules for this program, please refer to the website of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.

Maximum amount

The maximum amount awarded is $30,000. This amount cannot exceed 80% of the total project cost.

The budget must reflect the participation of the partners involved in the project. Thus, the portion of the budget not covered by the grant must include a financial or service contribution from the partners.

If the actual budget for delivering the project ends up exceeding the maximum funding scale, the partners may apply for reimbursement of the surplus.

The Council and partners cannot provide financial assistance for the same expenses related to a project already supported under another program of the Conseil or any other organization.


For more details on the definitions of eligible profiles and disciplines, as well as the various eligibility rules for this program, please refer to the website of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.


This program is updated annually, so please ensure you have the version corresponding to the current year.

The online submission date is the date the application was filed. Incomplete applications or applications filed after the application deadline are not eligible.

The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec issues an email acknowledgement of receipt. Applicants registered for Mon Dossier CALQ can track the progress of their application directly in their online file.

Folder content: fill out your Mon dossier CALQ online form

Subject to the provisions of the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and the Conseil des arts de Montréal protect the confidentiality of all documents and information in their possession and those that have been provided to them.


How are applications evaluated?


Applications are evaluated by selection committees, a majority of whose members are from the territory identified by the agreement, in the specified proportion. Committee members must have a good knowledge of arts and letters in their territory and be recognized in the cultural community for their competencies.

All applications are evaluated based on merit, specified objectives and evaluation criteria. Selection takes into account both the comparative value of projects and available credits. Upon completing their evaluations, the members make recommendations to the board of directors of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and to the financial partners who endorse them. Decisions are final, and not subject to appeal.

Three months after the end of their term, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec makes available the names of the selection committee members.

 What are the evaluation criteria?
  • Project quality
  • Impact of the project:
    • impact on the territory or community
    • consideration given to the remuneration of artists and cultural workers, if applicable (payment of royalties, fees and honorariums)
    • in the case of a pooling project, the project’s structuring effects and potential for sustainability
  • Fiscal balance and reasonableness of budget forecasts
What is the response time?

The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec will inform the applicant of its decision based on its evaluation of the application within approximately three to four months after the registration deadline.

Organizations registered in Mon Dossier CALQ will receive an email inviting them to check their file online for the results.

If the application is accepted, the applicant will receive the announcement and agreement letter outlining all terms and conditions relating to the payment and use of the grant.

If the application is refused and the organization is not registered in Mon Dossier CALQ, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec will communicate its decision in writing.

An applicant who has filed an ineligible application will receive a letter identifying the reasons for ineligibility.

Terms and conditions of payment

How will the grant be paid?

Amounts are allocated based on available appropriations, budgets submitted and eligible expenses.

The terms and conditions for awarding a grant are set out in a letter of agreement signed by a duly authorized representative.

Cashing the grant amounts to a commitment by the organization to carry out the planned project and to respect the terms and conditions of its payment.

The grant may apply to some or all of the activities described by the organization in its application. If it is unable to carry out some or all of the activities that were the subject of the grant, the organization must immediately notify the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec. The Conseil may adjust the amount of the grant accordingly, and the organization may be required to repay some or all of the grant.

Payment times may vary depending on the internal processing time of Ville de Montréal departments, which are beyond the control of the Conseil des arts de Montréal. 


Grant utilization report

The recipient of a one-time grant must provide a grant utilization report that may include an activity report, a financial report and/or dissemination data, as specified in the letter of agreement, depending on the nature of the project. This report must be provided within three months after the end of the project. In some cases, this report must be generated based on the original grant application form and must contain all the actual data.

Applicants’ obligations

Organizations, collectives, artists and their representatives agree at all times not to communicate with members of the evaluation committees or members of the Council’s Board of Directors in any matter relating to the management, evaluation or decisions related to their application.

The Conseil des arts de Montréal staff are available to answer questions about the application evaluation process and decisions.

Financial Report

The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec reserves the right to at any time request a financial report prepared by an expert or audited financial statements and any other information it deems relevant. The recipient of financial assistance authorizes the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and provides it or its duly identified representatives, access during normal business hours, to its premises, books, documentation, contracts signed with artists, writers and collaborators, as well as any other document that the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec may reasonably request. The recipient also allows the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and partners to reproduce any document deemed necessary for internal management or promotional purposes.

Links to related organizations

A funded organization that has a business relationship with one or more related organizations must ensure that:

  • it is the sole recipient of its surpluses, grants and other external contributions
  • it provides evidence that transactions with related companies meet the following rules
  • they are formally documented by contract or written agreement
  • they are disclosed in notes to the financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
  • conditions and costs are at least comparable to what would prevail with a third party
  • the financial statements of the related organization are available at the request of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec
Compliance with laws

A grant recipient must comply with the applicable Quebec laws, including:

  • the Act respecting the professional status of artists in the visual arts, film, recording, literature, crafts and performing arts
  • the Pay Equity Act (CQLR, chapter E-12.001) and the Charter of the French Language (CQLR, c. C-11), particularly for organizations that employ more than 50 people; and
  • the provisions of articles 321 to 330 of Section III (Obligations of directors and their incapacity) of the Civil Code of Québec (CQLR c. CCQ-1991).
Subsequent eligibility

Failure to comply with the terms and conditions for awarding financial assistance and the associated terms and conditions, as well as failure to comply with the laws in force applicable to them, may compromise subsequent eligibility for programs of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.

Visibility and logo of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec

The artist or organization receiving financial support must mention the name of the program in all promotional tools and information documents relating to the project: website, press release, exhibition catalog, show program, invitation card, etc.

In the case of a territorial partnership agreement, the Conseil’s visual signature must be accompanied by the logo of the project’s financial partner(s) identified in the announcement letter sent by the Conseil. The following page describes the standards of visibility and use: “Use of the visual signature in a territorial partnership agreement (https://www.calq.gouv.qc.ca/a-propos/normes-de-visibilite-et-signaturevisuelle/programme-de-partenariat-territorial)”.

The Conseil logo can be found on the “Logos and rules of use” page (https://www.calq.gouv.qc.ca/a-propos/normes-de-visibilite-et-signaturevisuelle/signature-visuelle-logo-pour-telechargement). To obtain partner logos, contact the contact person identified in the program sidebar.

Visibility Standards and Logos

Arts organizations, collectives or individual receiving grant from the Conseil must mention this funding in their information, promotional, or advertising material.

Program results

Dated September 3, 2024

Number of eligible applications submitted: 52
Number of applications accepted: 21
Acceptance rate: 40%

List of recipients:

Conteurs à gage
Festival Transamériques (FTA)
Fondation Metropolis bleu
Groupe le Vivier
Le Monastère
Le Nouveau théâtre expérimental
Les compagnons baroques
Productions Onishka
Théâtre aux écuries
Théâtre Teesri Duniya
Toxique trottoir

Total amount invested: $228,500

Need more information?
Nataly Rae

418 643-1707 or 1 800 608-3350
